Do you want to have an experience of a week, full of dance and music? Meet people from all over the world and their traditions and culture, while testing your language and interpersonal skills?...
We would like to remind you that the 43rd Edition of Bydgoszcz Impressions of Music will take place from June 28 to July 3, 2025. You can already register your ensemble for the Festival and the accompanying competition. Regulations and application form can be found in the “Applications” tab.
Zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w KONKURSIE NA PLAKAT 43. Bydgoskich Impresji Muzycznych! Konkurs skierowany jest do uczniów szkół ogólnokształcących, plastycznych, studentów oraz absolwentów w wieku 16-30 lat. Projekty plakatów w wersji elektronicznej należy przesłać do…
After a four-year break, The BIM – International Meeting of Young Musicians is back. Once again the streets of Bydgoszcz will be full of music, singing, dancing from different parts of the world.